Localise your catalog with Confect

Use Confect for multiple markets with country or language feeds

Table of Contents

Before you beginSetting up Confect and FB catalogsAdding the default marketAdding more marketsQuestions and assistance

A country or language feed is a special type of additional feed you add to your catalog to localise certain product information.

This can for example include changing the price and currency, product names, or the product link, based on the ad recipient's location and language.

A country feed changes the information based on the user's location, and a language feed changes this information based on the user's language settings.

Country and language feeds will override the information present in your main feed. This is also why it's necessary that product ids in the localisation feed match the main feed exactly.

By using localization feeds, you can automatically change the design and product information based on the user's location and language.

- Request additional market accounts by contacting support.
- You need a separate data source for each market.
- Generate a standard Confect catalog for the default market.
- And for the other markets, create Confect country or language catalogs.

Before you begin

In Confect, you will need one account per each country/market you wish to localise. Each one of these markets needs to have a data source formatted according to these data source requirements, with the only difference being that the language of the product information and currency are specific to that market.

If you want to add more markets to your Confect account, contact our support via live chat.

For example: The German market has product names in German, prices in euros, and the product links to a German website; while the Danish market has product names in Danish, prices in krone, and the URLs link to a Danish version of the website.

Setting up Confect and FB catalogs

Adding the default market

One of your markets will have to be the "main" one.

For this market, you should generate a default Confect "Facebook" channel catalog (Catalogs > Create new > Facebook).

This catalog will be added as the main data source in your Facebook Commerce Manager catalog. If you have doubts about how to add this into your FB catalog, visit this article.

Also make sure to set this market as the default language and country in the catalog's settings.

Adding more markets

Once you've set up the default market. Click "Change account" in the bottom left in your Confect account and head over to the next market.

A country or language feed by Confect will also localise the product's ad creative, so make sure that you have a market-specific design in this account. You can use the "Import design" button to copy a design from your main market, and adjust all the text to fit this market.

Next, again create a new Confect catalog, but this time select either "Facebook Country Feed" or "Facebook Language Feed".

This one will be added into your Facebook catalog as a "Country and language feed".

After clicking the button, click "2. Upload your data feed file" and select either "Country feed" or "Language feed."

Go through the setup process that pops up. Select "Use a URL" and remember to set the default currency.

Now simply repeat this process for each one of your markets.

Questions and assistance

If you have any questions during this process, feel free to reach out to us via the live chat in the bottom right of you screen :)

For more information about localisation feeds, visit this article from Meta.