Insert additional images to designs

Include multiple images in your catalog design to show off different angles

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Add additional imagesAdjust the imagesOptional: Hide the original image

In some cases, it can be valuable to also show additional images, in addition to the main product image, to show off different angles or perhaps highlight details.

Confect lets you to import more than one image from your data feed, and show them in your designs. The limit for additional images usable in a design is 5 at the moment.

This can only be done if your data feed includes additional images, so ensure your data source URL includes the “additional_image_link” field before starting.

Add additional images

The first step is to "Add a shape" by clicking the icon on top of the layer tab, in the top-left corner.

Now, click on the "Color type" dropdown menu in the "Shape settings" tab on the right side of your screen, and select which additional image you want to show (use up to 5 in your designs).

You can add as many additional images as you wish.

Adjust the images

Now, you can click on the additional image, scale it up or down, and change the position in the design.

When scaling this image, the aspect ratio will not change by default. If you’d like to change this, toggle on "Stretch in cell" under "Shape settings" to have the additional image go from border to border. This will not stretch out the image but instead crop it to fit the layer.

Optional: Hide the original image

If you’d like not to have the original image showing in the ad, do not remove the "Product" layer.

The product layer needs to be present so all information can load properly.

If you’d like to hide the original image from the design, instead of deleting it, move it behind your background in the layer menu on the left side; or click on the product and set the opacity to 0%.