This article will help you solve theĀ issue of some, or even all, products having a "failed" status in Confect.
If your designs are being mixed in the ad preview or live ads, please follow these points.
In most cases, when a product fails to upload, it is becauseĀ the image link is broken.
You can see whether this is the problem by going to "Products", finding a failed product, and opening its "image_url".
If the link doesn't open an image (i.e. links to a page) or if there is a "Not found" 404 error.
If this is the case, you may want to reach out to your IT team, or feed provider to investigate this.
If you were able to open the image link in the previous step, but the image still fails in Confect, your website hosting may be blocking Confect from downloading this by some form of anti-scrapping protection (i.e Cloudflare).
Confect keeps trying to download failed images, and, in most cases, simply waiting for a few days leads to Confect being unblocked and all products being loaded.
If this issue persists, ask your IT team to: Whitelist the user agent "Confect/1.0 (Linux)" for image downloading; or change security settings to allow free downloading of images.