Designs getting cropped in ads

Stop your catalog ads from being cropped

Table of Contents

Debugging checklistChange the catalog image cropping settingsChange the ad's cropping settingsRemove Advantage+ creative options

If your ads sometimes show up as a 4:5 placement, cropping your 1:1 design, this article will show you how to control this.

If you have the Pro or Global subscription in Confect, you may also solve this by adding a designated 4:5 template into your catalog - meaning that Meta won't have to crop your 1:1 design, and will just use the 4:5 version.

If you just want to stop your ads from being shown cropped, follow the steps in this guide.

We're here to help
If you're facing issues regarding this topic, please go through the most common causes in this article.

💬 If you can't resolve the issue yourself, please reach out to us in the live chat, and let us know what you found by going through these points.

Debugging checklist

Change the catalog image cropping settings

Go into your Commerce Manager catalog's "Settings", and find the "Image cropping" options under "Catalogue".

  • If "Fill frame with image" is selected, Meta may show your ad as a 4:5 and crop the image

  • If "Show entire image in frame" is selected, Meta will not use 4:5 placements and crop your ads

Select the "Show entire image in frame" option for "Ads", "Single image ads", and "Product page".

Change the ad's cropping settings

In addition to the cropping settings in the catalog, there are also cropping options on the ad level, that can override the catalog settings.

Find "Creative tools" under "Ad creative" on the ad level, and open the "Image cropping" settings.

To avoid any cropping, you'll want to select "Zoom out to fit".

Next, save this, and publish the ad.

Remove Advantage+ creative options

Find these "Advantage+ creative" settings on the ad level, and make sure they are turned off.

Some of these, namely "Advantage+ creative for catalog" and "Background" can create cropping in live ads.

(If you are using the Story catalog function in Confect, only the "Adapt to placement" option may be turned on - all other settings should be off)