Edit and download designs manually

Download images for social media, print, or email and website banners

Table of Contents

1. Open the Content Creator2. Select your design type3. Choose a design or template4. Select the product5. Customize the designsCreate product variationsCreate design variations

You may not always want to create a feed with designs for all products. To do to this, you may use the “Content Creator” feature and create individual images to be downloaded as a .png.

This can be a convenient way to quickly make designs to be used on social media, prints, email or web banners, and display advertising for Google.

1. Open the Content Creator

Click on the Content Creator feature located in the left-hand menu to get started with your new design.

Click “Make content” once the window opens.

2. Select your design type

The first step is to select what format you want to create.

The options include: social media, email, web and display creatives with various dimensions and aspect ratios.

You can also create a custom-size design if none of the options fit your use case.

3. Choose a design or template

You can adjust and download your existing templates without changing the original, in case you’re currently using that design for any of your catalogs.

Otherwise, you can click on “Templates” and browse the pre-made designs we’ve created for you.

4. Select the product

As you’re creating individual designs, you have to pick which product this design should show.

Click “Add”, and then click “Customize” at the top right of the screen.

If you’d like to create designs for more products, not just one, this will be possible in the next steps. For now, select the first one.

5. Customize the designs

You will now see a familiar interface. This design editor works in the exact same way as when creating designs for catalogs.

You can make changes in the design without affecting the original.

In this example, we’re creating a social media post for an anniversary competition, so we'll remove the price and add some text.

You can now click “Download” in the top right corner if you want to create just one design, or add variations to create more designs.

You can make more versions, either using the same design and different products, or using the same product and a different design.

You do this by clicking on the “+ Variants” button in the top right corner.

Create product variations

After creating a new variation, again, select the product.

Once you select the second product, however, it will have the original design applied to it.

You can change this by clicking “Copy design from another variant” and choosing “1”.

Now, repeat this process for as many items as you wish.

Once you’re happy with the number of variants, click “Download” in the top right corner.

You will have the option of downloading all the variants in a .zip file, or individually as a .png.

Create design variations

After creating a new variation, click “Copy products from another variant”, select “1”, and then click “Customize”.

You can change this design separately from the first one or click “Copy design from another variant” and make small or large adjustments.

Now, repeat this process for as many versions as you wish.

Once you’re happy with the number of variations created, click “Download” in the top right corner.

You will have the option of downloading all the designs in a .zip file, or individually as a .png.